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Mon - Thurs: 5am - 10pm
Friday: 5am - 8pm
Saturday: 6am - 6pm
Sunday: Noon - 5pm


A fun environment that has plenty of appeal for the right candidates.

For details call 717.354.4747, or click here.

Pool Rules

To view our full Rules and Regulations compilation, click here.

Aquatic Rules

  1. Please shower before entering the pool.
  2. Proper swimwear is required. (No street clothes, cut offs, see thru suits, etc.)
  3. NO Running, Diving, or Rough Play.
  4. Lifeguards are present for your safety and must be obeyed at all times.
  5. No talking to lifeguards on duty.
  6. Children under 13 and non-swimmers must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
    1. All children wearing flotation devices must be directly supervised by a parent or adult (18) in the water at all times, lifejackets must be coast guard approved.
  7. Watertight swim diapers are required for incontinent individuals.
  8. Protective undergarments "Little Swimmers" must be used for children who normally wear diapers.
  9. Any activity deemed unsafe or "not in the best interest of our patrons" is not allowed.
  10. Lifeguards determine the use of toys, floats, etc. based on facility use and other potential hazards.
  11. Lap lanes are reserved for lap swimmers only.
  12. Kick boards and leg floats are for lap swimmers only.
  13. No hanging or holding onto the lane lines.
  14. Lifeguards reserve the right to call for an Adult swim during high use times.
  15. Public displays of affection are not permitted.
  16. No smoking, tobacco products or alcohol are permitted.
  17. Food & drinks are not allowed in the pool area, exception: water in plastic containers. "No Glass"
  18. It is the responsibility of all NHRC patrons and guests to comply with all rules set forth by the NHRC. Any violation of the rules and policies may result in suspension of recreation privileges.

Water Slide

  1. Height requirement 48 INCHES or able to swim one full length of pool unassisted to ride alone.
  2. Form line at bottom of stairs and wait until guard signals ok to enter slide.
  3. Only one person on the slide at a time.
  4. Ride the slide feet first, face up in sitting or lying position.
  5. No twisting or rolling on slide.
  6. Exit the landing zone immediately & by the stairs only.
  7. Children may not be caught by an adult when coming down the slide.
  8. An adult may accompany small children on the slide at lifeguard's discretion.
  9. Floatation devices or goggles are not permitted on the slide.
baby in pool
When is the right time to learn? Researchers have documented that the stimulating effect of child-paced infant/toddler swimming lessons has the potential to increase intelligence, concentration, alertness, and perceptual abilities. Improvement in social, emotional and physical development has also been published. Of course, the manifestation of such inspired cognitive, personal and motor development takes time, patience and repetition. I have personally observed this phenomena and have confirmed this with other veteran instructors, especially in children who started lessons prior to 12 months old, but it's never too late to receive these unique and subtle benefits of infant-toddler swimming. These babies eventually become extremely peaceful and relaxed in the water.